Ultimately depending on your house area and the area of the room to be tiled, the exact look and feel depends upon individual tastes. If you are tiling your walls, the general usage is as follows:
- Small Kitchens: 4×4
- Medium-sized Kitchens: 8×4 or 8×6 or 12×8
- Large-sized Kitchens: 16×12 or 12×8
Corridors: 24×12 or 16×12
External walls: 24×12 or 12×6
Small Service Areas: 4×4
If you are tiling your floors, the general usage is as follows:
- Small to Medium bathrooms: 8×8
- Medium to Large bathrooms: 12×12
Living rooms
Small to Medium sized: 18×18 or 12×12
Large sized: 24×24
Lobbies & Verandahs: Hexagonal or 18×18
Halls & Public places: 24×24 or 18×18