Feature Batts

Feature Batts

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  • sanitary ware
  • glass panel industries,
  • glost firing of tableware.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title="Features" icon=""]
  • Excellent energy savings.
  • Lighter weight and higher load capacity.
  • Excellent distortion resistance at high temperature.
  • Suitable for faster firings with better bearing capacity for hot and cold extremes.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title="Specification" icon=""]
With the same weight, the extruded batt provides many times more carrying capacity then the solid batt
Thickness of extruded batts 25mm 38mm 46mm
Corresponding thickness of solid batts 16mm 21mm 23mm
Carrying capacity of extruded batts 3 times of solid batt 5 times of solid batt 8 times of solid batt
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title="ADVANTAGES" icon=""]
  • Weight reduction of approximately 35% - 50%, whilst increasing the load capacity of the batt. For example, a 38mm-thick extruded batt has the same weight as a 23mm-thick pressed batt of the same size, but can bear 5 times the load.
  • Energy Savings. Tests have shown that using extruded batts in a shuttle kiln firing glass panels, fuel consumption can be reduced by between 30% and 70%.
  • Reduced bend at high temperatures. 1200mm long extruded batts supported by silicon carbide beams have shown virtually no bend during use. This is extremely useful where flatness is critical, such as in the firing of glass panels.
  • Their ability to disperse heat is twice that of a solid batt of similar size, allowing them to bear extremes of hot and cold much better, thereby increasing their service life. This makes extruded batts especially suitable for faster firings.
[/fusion_tab][fusion_tab title="MATERIALS" icon=""] All of the above materials can be used to make extruded batts, with the material being selected according to the customer’s usage conditions. If you are unable to select the appropriate material, please contact us. [/fusion_tab][/fusion_tabs][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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See more ideas about Feature Batts with many different color and looks
#Refractory Materials, #Tableware
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